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There were no visits to the allotment last week and it wasn’t all due to the weather.

Monday we all – Martyn, my sister, and I – had a visit from our hairdresser. At this point, I was already feeling snuffly and below par. Then on Tuesday, the sniffles developed into the worst cold that I can remember having for years. The unheard of happened and I spent most of the day in bed.

Wednesday, I was up and about again but couldn’t stray far from my box of tissues.

Thursday I was still wedded to the box of tissues, on top of which the weather had turned cold and we had a sprinkling of snow. Martyn popped out and took a few photos for me.

By Friday, my reliance on the tissues had abated. Although very cold, it was bright and sunny and I felt that a walk in the fresh air would do me good. Also Ruby was in need of some exercise.

We dressed in multiple layers of clothing and headed for Temple Newsam where Ruby could stretch her legs having a game of chase and fetch. As soon as we got out of the car, she was pestering, Martyn to get her ball out of his bag.

As the photos above show, the snow, or was it frost or ice had melted where the sun had shone and clung on in the shadier areas. The sun shining on the now bare trees looked beautiful and the overall scene was enhanced by the reflections in the lake.

The waterbirds were enjoying the sunshine.

A video is posted here

On Saturday we headed for Nostell. We had been concerned that we wouldn’t be able to get into the car park as they were holding a Christmas market. Although the place was heaving we managed to get a spot. Once we passed the area where the market was being held we managed to avoid the crowds.

It’s a sure sign that winter is upon us when the ice cream stall disappears and they open up the stall that sells pizzas and hot drinks.

It was much colder and icier at Nostell. Most of the main lake had frozen over with just a few open areas of water along the edge.

We thought that the lake would be frozen so we took some waterbird food to supplement the birds food supply. As soon as I headed for the lakeside the birds were converging on me.

There are several signs saying that in order to protect the wildlife dogs must be kept on a lead by the lake.

Ruby is very good around wildlife, she’s not a chaser, other than where balls are concerned, and loves to just watch but we still keep her close to us when the waterbirds are about. Not everyone obeys the notices and a black labrador, hurtled towards a flock of ducks and plunged into the lake amongst them. The frightened birds scattered. The owner thought that it was funny. Both Martyn and I had to bite our tongues but afterwards wished that we had challenged her.

Ruby was fascinated by the white stuff.

Her winter coat kept her warm and dry.

As we headed towards the car park to go home the sun was beginning to set. 

We also noticed that the Christmas tree has been put up in the courtyard. It looks very tasteful and will no doubt look better in the dark.

I did manged some cooking last week, although, Martyn was in charge of meals whilst I was indisposed.

I made a chicken casserole using our leeks, parsnips, potato, carrots, parsley and peas from the freezer.

I made a turkey chowder, into which went our onion, garlic, potatoes, red pepper, parsley and sweetcorn from the freezer.

Finally, I made a courgette curry which is a bit of a cheat as I bought the courgette but I did use some of our chilli, potatoes and garlic.

In other news, the acrylis photo that we ordered for the dining room arrived and so now we finally have three.

The photos of the prints aren’t good due to the low light and reflections from windows but you’ll get the idea.

Before I finish there is something that I want to share with you that is puzzling me. I have recently had lots of comments from people thanking me for commenting on their blogs, often with a different name. The commenters have arrived on my blog as a result of following the links attached to the comment. Although from some content it is obvious that the comment is spam and consequently I have deleted them, others appear ro be genuine with relevant comments. Most have come to my summary on Blogger so I have applied comment moderation. WordPress always asks for new commenters to be approved. I wonder has anyone else has had this happen – is it the work of AI. I obviously don’t want to delete genuine comments but the whole thing seems rather odd.

Anyway that’s all for now until next time, as always. stay safe and well.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. snowbird

    That is odd regarding all the comments from new readers. Goodness, it does look cold! I keep breaking the ice on the ponds so the birds get to drink. I hate seeing dogs and kids chasing wild birds. Why people think it’s funny is beyond me, they barely have the strength to run in the cold and it drains their much needed energy. Glad you are feeling better, that cold sounds grim. Hearty looking

    1. Susan Garrett

      Our pond had a filter running so it rarely freezes completely , Dina. I do wish I had said something but I was taken by surprise,

  2. Belinda Robinson

    Hope you’re completely better now. It looks like you were poorly at the right time to be staying in bed! Those frosty photos have given me a chill 🥶
    The golden sun on the treetops makes a beautiful show.

    1. Susan Garrett

      Almost better, Bekinda but still a bit of a cough.

  3. Conchi

    Siento que te casaras con la caja de pañuelos. Las fotos son preciosas. Gracias por mostrarlas.

    Un abrazo.

    1. Susan Garrett

      Gracias Conchi

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