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Contrasting weather

Last week, we had everything that the weather gods could find to throw at us, except warmth. Most days were wet and miserable days when it hardly managed to get light. On other days, we had bright sunshine and a little snow which froze and was crunchy underfoot. Then at the weekend, we had persistent rain and strong winds.

The weather meant that, once again, we had no visits to the allotment. Fortunately, we had enough vegetables to keep us supplied for the week. Despite the weather, Ruby needed her walks. In complete contrast to the previous week, we nearly had the parkland at Nostell to ourselves.

The wooded area alongside the lake was being drained but the water was staging a comeback.

Our walk had to be cut short as the drizzle gave way to heavier rain. Even without the rain, we wouldn’t have been able to follow our usual route as the path was flooded.

I mentioned in previous posts that parts of felled tree trunks are left to rot down gradually. Some have developed their own landscapes.

One welcome sight on the main lake was, not only, the two adult swans but the appearance of three juveniles.

I don’t know whether the young swans had been hidden away in another part of the lake or they were just visiting.

The Christmas tree in the courtyard was doing its best to look festive.

The tree in the cafe looked much cosier.

I think Ruby could do with a rain hat but no doubt, Martyn would veto it.

Fortunately, she was due to have a shower when we arrived home. At this point, she didn’t know that.

Finally, a couple of last week’s meals which used homegrown vegetables.

I made a vegetable dish that used our onion. carrot, parsnip and squash. The recipe calls for sprouts, but ours haven’t produced sprouts this year, so I added some frozen green beans.

I also made a chicken and leek ‘cottage’ pie which used our potatoes, leeks and parsley. I used chicken stock instead of water.

That’s all for this week so as always stay safe and well,

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. snowbird

    Lovely photos. It rained here for six weeks. Today is the first dry day…freezing though. Roll on spring!xxx

    1. Susan Garrett

      Just some dry weather would be good, Dina them we could get some of our allotment jobs ticked off.

  2. Belinda Robinson

    Ooh, you’ve had a bit of snow! If it’s going to be wet and cold at least it’s a bit prettier.
    I’m not sure we’re ever going to dry out, it’s so dismal!
    That veggie dish looks very tasty. I have ‘Molly Parkin’ on the menu for this week so am venturing out to pull a parsnip, but it doesn’t look very enticing.
    Stay toastie 😊

    1. Susan Garrett

      Only a dusting of snow, Belinda It certainly is soggy. Clay soil and lots of rain are not good companions.

  3. Debbie

    What a load of rotten weather we’ve had, and more heading our way. Last night was WINDY! At least it makes for some frosty morning picturesque photos. Pretty though it is, that tree in the cafe could use some warmer colours!

    1. Susan Garrett

      I think that the tree in the cafe was reflecting the weather Debbie

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