Welcome to Our Gardening & Weather Web Site from 2022 onwards

Weather Station Details & Location
I’ve been recording weather records using a Davis weather station set up in the garden since late 2009. These records are downloaded from the weather station to my computer where they are stored and analysed using specialist weather data software and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Our weather station is located in our garden in the town of Ossett West Yorkshire England. Where we live has a Maritime temperate climate. Maritime temperate regions are found in areas near coasts where the sea and onshore winds provide more rain and help to keep the temperatures level throughout the year.
Typical characteristics of our climate are its unpredictability, whilst having recognised characteristics, most of the seasons will also have very varied weather within them. Rain, fog and lower temperatures may not be uncommon even in summer.
It’s the most popular climate to live in as it does not experience the wide variations of some of the more extreme climates. It’s an excellent climate for our gardening activities as it has the ability to grow a large variety of crops and fruit. Pears, apples, strawberries and other soft fruit are grown to sell either as fresh produce or for manufacturing into products such as jam.
We live within the famous rhubarb triangle in West Yorkshire. In general deciduous trees in many areas give way to coniferous trees where the temperatures are lower for example in hilly or mountainous regions.
My TFA Nexus weather station was working well but after some surfing I fancied the idea of being able to get my weather data onto the web and share it with others. After some research it didn’t seem that this could be done very easily with my Nexus weather station so I decided to upgrade to a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station.
I liked the idea of measuring the solar radiation and hence sunshine hours so I added a solar sensor to the standard Vantage Pro 2 weather station. The station itself was set up on the 2nd June immediately on receipt. I reasoned that the sooner I could start collecting data the better. Getting data onto the web might take a little longer and June is a busy time of year in the garden and on the plot. The instructions for connecting and setting up the weather station were easy to follow and soon I was set up and recording data.
Its main aim is to monitor the conditions in our garden to help us make the best use of the conditions for growing plants in our garden and on our allotment. Its main aim is to monitor the conditions in our garden to help us make the best use of the conditions for growing plants in our garden and on our allotment.
In our climate one of the main considerations governing our luck with growing more tender plants, like our banana trees, is the minimum winter temperatures. I’m hoping that automating the recording of these low temperatures will help us over winter these sorts of plants. It’s also good to know more exactly how much rain fell on the garden especially if it arrives overnight. Hopefully the weather information gathered will be beneficial to help us grow more successfully.