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Some progress

The weather has continued to tease. Some days have been positively spring-like but dark water-laden clouds suddenly appear in the sky threatening and often delivering more rain.

We made the most of the rain-free periods to work on the plot and in the garden as well as fitting in Ruby’s walks.

One job was to plant more potatoes. One of our favourite potatoes is Elfe. For the last couple of years, we haven’t been able to source any seed potatoes so last year we planted some of the ones we had stored over winter. We did wonder whether they would produce a harvest and it turned out that we had a better harvest from them than most of the other varieties planted. As a result, we will be planting our stored Elfe again. Last week we planted a couple of short rows,

After clearing beds last autumn, many were covered with weed control fabric.  We have gradually been uncovering the beds. A couple of uncovered beds had some weedy-looking potato plants that had grown from some potatoes overlooked during harvesting. These were weeded out.

Martyn, managed to till some of the beds that weren’t too claggy. At least we now have some beds prepared ready for planting.

I tied in more of our raspberries. These are supposed to produce two flushes of berries. One lot will fruit earlier on canes which grew last year and canes which are just beginning to grow will produce a later crop of berries. That’s the theory anyway.

As well as working on the plot we managed to do some tidying in the garden. The borders are filling up.

A video of work carried out is here

I cut back the ferns in our little fernery.

We always have to fit in Ruby’s walks. One was in a local park where the cherry blossom is putting on a lovely display. Unfortunately, some of the blossom had been blown off in the wind.

We nearly decided against our usual trip to Nostell as it was raining. In the end, we decided to risk it. When we arrived the rain had stopped but we had to brave the strong winds. The highlight was that the bluebells are beginning to flower.

A video is posted here

The ground is still wet and soggy. Ruby’s feet were filthy so it was just as well that she was due to have a bath ready for a visit from the groomer the following day.

Most of our stored vegetables are now past their best although we still have plenty in the freezer.

Two of last week’s meals which used some of our vegetables were a turkey stir fry. One of our red onions and some green beans and red chilli from the freezer went into that.

The other that used another red onion was a chicken and rice dish.

No harvest to share this week so until next time as always stay safe and well.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Steve

    Spring is in the air but not quite. We have a couple of days of sunshine and warm weather followed by a couple of days of rain and cooler temperatures. Today we’ve had heavy rain and windy weather.

    I can’t wait for the sunny weather. It’s been a long autumn and winter for me.

    1. Susan Garrett

      It really has Steve but this weekend it was almost pleasant in the afternoons – almost.

  2. Daisy

    Oh ! Your garden is absolutely beautiful ! Hopefully we’ll be getting more sunshine soon to cheer us all up .

    1. Susan Garrett

      Thank you Daisy

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