June 2022 Video Diary

30 June 2022

Normally we don’t get any cherries. Either the tree doesn’t set any fruit or the wood pigeons destroy the young leaves on the tree as they begin to grow. This year we’ve managed to get some cherries that have been protected from the blackbirds with some netting.

26 June 2022

We’ve had real problems germinating parsnips this year. Our first sowing didn’t seem to germinate at all which led to us sowing another batch some three or four weeks later. Even then it seemed no parsnips or very few parsnips had germinated. Over the last week or so we’ve noticed a few more parsnips have indeed germinated but we think it might be a bit late for them to go on and produce a decent crop.

25 June 2022

 We often take Ruby for a walk in the park. However, the longest walk involves a short walk beside a busy road. In the park we let Ruby make the most of her 8.0m extendable lead but by the busy road we need to keep her on a much shorter lead.

23 June 2022

Our greenhouse at home is now ready for summer. The vast majority of our allotment vegetables, which are mostly germinated and grown on in the greenhouse, are now planted out in the allotment. This makes space in the greenhouse for summer crops of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers with a little bit of space for some flowering plants.

17 June 2022

The tops of our over wintering onions had started to dry off so we decided it was time they were lifted. I forgot to add the weight of the onions to the video. Both varieties weighed about the same with Radar weighing 8.1kg (17.8lbs) and Senshu Yellow slightly more at 8.3kg or 18.3lbs.

16 June 2022

For the last few years we’ve grown some early Casablanca potatoes in old recycling crates. They’ve been starting off in the greenhouse and later on gone outside once space is at a premium in the greenhouse. Some years have been more successful than others. One problem is that the haulms become long and straggly and I’ve put this down to starting them off in the greenhouse. This year they have been grown outside but it hasn’t stopped the straggly haulms.

07 June 2022

It was a couple of days later when we got round to finishing off planting our climbing French beans and runner beans.

07 June 2022

The end of May and beginning of June have been on the cold side so we delayed planting out our beans. It has meant that they’ve had to put up with rather cramped conditions at home. We decided to plant out our climbing beans first. The first challenge was to get the beans into the car to take them to the allotment.

02 June 2022

 It was Jubilee Thursday and we decided on an afternoon at the allotment. The main job for the afternoon was to plant our sweetcorn. While Sue was planting the sweetcorn I got on with a few other jobs that needed doing.