Wednesday, 08 November 2017
Watercress Survives Its First Frost
Tuesday was the classic day where the forecast is for a band of rain to sweep through with colder weather following on behind it. Yesterday's temperature and rainfall chart shows the details.
Temperature and Rainfall Records for 07 November 2017
The day's rainfall didn't amount to much with just 2.0mm or 0.08in.
Our watercress growing in the pond has survived the first frost of autumn providing us with some greenery for lunchtime sandwiches on Tuesday.
It wasn't a very sharp frost so there will be more severe tests to come as winter progresses.
Friday, 10 November 2017
Leaves Are Hanging On - Just
The last week hasn’t been too bad as we’ve had no gale force winds, only some light rain and a couple of nice sunny days. We have had a couple of cold mornings and our first frost of autumn.
Temperature & Rainfall Details 04-10 November 2017
Wednesday was probably the best day. After the early morning frost cleared it left us with a lovely sunny winter’s day even if it was a bit on the cool side. I much prefer cold sunny days to the dull drab days we often get through autumn and winter.
We took Tivvy for a walk in Rothwell Park.
Tivvy checking I wasn't lagging too far behind
From a distance the trees still looked to have some autumn colours but close up they appeared to have lost most of their leaves. Another gale or some heavy rain will probably finish them off.
In the garden our little acer tree still has most of its leaves and is looking at its best.