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Weekend 8 July
On the plot

In the green house

Out and About

There seems to be lots of ragwort (unless it is just something that looks very much like it), growing on the motorway embankments this year. Ragwort is poisonous to horses and other livestock, I always thought it was controlled because of this danger but there seems to be a great deal of it about this year.

 Visited Barnsdale (used to belong to Geoff Hamilton), this weekend and interestingly their vegetable crops seem to be suffering in the same way as ours. Even the experts are having problems – I suppose we should gain comfort from this!

Weekend 15 July
On the plot

In the greenhouse

Out and About.

Walking past some gardens it’s impossible to miss the rich, strong, honey smell of buddleias in full flower although there seems to be a distinct lack of butterflies and bees around them this year. If this rainy weather continues then the insects will need to grow tiny umbrellas over their wings.

The bracken is growing strongly in the hedgerows.

Did you notice it rained a lot this week?

Not a butterfly or bee in sight!

Weekend 22 July
On the plot

In the garden

In the greenhouse

Trimmed back the grape vine – it grows so fast now that this needs doing weekly.

Out and about

There seems to be quite a few wildflowers growing in verges that I don’t remember seeing quite as many of in previous years, maybe I am just looking harder. This week noticed that there is absolutely masses of white clover. Also noticed purple vetch, red campion and rose bay willow herb and still lots of ragwort.

There really is a lot of ragwort, when it all seeds it could cause a problem!

The trees are starting to fruit, noticed conkers and ash keys.

Himalayan balsam and rose bay willow herb are also flowering.

Weekend 29 July
On the plot

In the garden

Cut back the raspberry canes that have finished fruiting

In the green house

Potted up one or two things and that is more or less it!

Out and About

The countryside has lost its fresh, verdant look – it looks as fed up as we all are!

It was dry today and I saw my first combine harvester of the season – no doubt the farmers decided to make hay whilst the sun shone.

There’s lots of dandelion-like flowers in the verges at the moment which I think are hawkbit. Driving past it is easy to be mistaken that dandelions are flowering again.

The poppies seem to be lasting well in verges – I’m sure that they don’t usually be around for so long.

Lots of clover too and the rose bay willow herb and Himalayan balsam are gaining in numbers.

Hedge bindweed with its large white trumpets like flowers looks great in the hedgerows at the moment, but is the last thing that you want on the plot or in the garden as it is a nightmare to get rid of and soon swamps plants that it decides to climb amongst.

It didn’t rain on Sunday!!!!

July 2007