After a mildish spell of weather for the middle of December, it turned much colder as the weekend arrived. Despite the weather we’ve managed to take Ruby out for a few walks.
On Friday we had a chilly walk in Rothwell park. It was late morning when we arrived at the park but there was still plenty of frost remaining on the grass, where the sun hadn’t managed to penetrate. It didn’t stop Ruby enjoying a run through the frosty leaves. Surprisingly, though when we got back to the car Ruby’s feet were wet but not particularly muddy. She escaped without the need to have her legs and feet washed.
She wasn’t so lucky with Saturday’s walk around Nostell Priory. The weather had changed from crisp and sunny to damp and misty.
When we arrived the mist wasn’t too bad and as we walked around the grounds it was a challenge to get a decent photo of the misty conditions. Ruby as usual didn’t bother about the weather. She just enjoys being outside and having a run around. However, some parts of the grassed areas, at Nostell, are now pretty muddy and Ruby doesn’t make any effort to avoid the muddy areas. Once she’s charged through the first patch of muddy grass there’s little point in trying to get her to avoid other boggy areas. It can only mean one thing. A bit of a wash when she arrives back home.
By the time we were ready to leave the mist was beginning to come in a little bit more. It didn’t get any worse on the short journey home.