It’s been a rather mild week with both daytime and nighttime temperatures a little bit above average. We’ve had a drop of rain but it’s fallen as drizzle, not proper rain.
We managed a couple of visits to the allotment to get a bit more tidying up done. One job we managed to get done was cutting our cardoons back.
Once the old stems had been cut back and removed to the compost heap the bed was tidied up by removing any weeds, straightening the edges and strimming the grass paths around the bed.
Ruby’s walks this week took in both Nostell Priory and Temple Newsam. Besides giving both Ruby and us a good walk the intention was to get some good autumn photographs. I’ve posted about our visit to Temple Newsam earlier this week. We suffered from a lack of sunshine there and it wasn’t any different at Nostell.
The trees are now in their full autumn colours. Many of the paths are carpeted with leaves around their bases. It will only take one more windy day and the trees will be transformed from autumn colours into leafless winter mode.
At the moment the rather dull weather is set to continue into next week. There isn’t any particularly cold weather in the forecast so we may get even more tidying up done at the allotment. I’m not sure why but we’ve certainly made a lot more progress tidying up this year than last. I thought it turned very wet at the beginning of November but looking back at my records that’s not the case.
We’ve also made a couple of videos this week.
Scotland is promised snow in the coming days – just not sure at what altitude.
I noticed we were forecast some cold weather at the end of the month but the weather models seem to be easing off on the idea. Very mild here so far this week