Unusually Calm

Unusually Calm

At breakfast time on Monday the sky was blue and normally at this time of year that a sign that we’ve probably just had a cold night. I decided to have a quick look at my weather station to see if we had indeed had a cold night.
The table above shows that it had been a chilly night with the temperature falling to 5.4°C. Then I noticed the wind speeds which I’ve circled in red. From midnight to around 08:00 there hadn’t been the slightest gust of wind. A look outside and the trees and bushes in the garden were very still. It was just after 08:00 when there was enough breeze to register on my weather station.
Last year at this time in September we were just about to move from a dry spell of weather into a wet one. I’d put any winter digging on hold until it rained because the ground was so dry. That digging didn’t get done until the start of spring when we eventually got some dry weather. This year the weather has been kinder and we’ve got most of our beds that have been cleared of summer crops dug over. 
It looks as though it’s in the nick of time as cold, wet and windy weather is due to arrive later this week.