September 2020

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

01 - 06 September


Planted winter brassicas – cabbage, Tundra,  -cauliflower, Amsterdab – broccoli – Rudolf and kale, Reflex
Picked Red Williams pears
Ruby was groomed
Had an afternoon at Yorkshire Wildlife Park
A corny week
Summer 2020 good or bad?
First maincrop potatoes harvested – video
Never give up – transformation of plot 30 – video


07 - 13 September

Harvested Invincible pears
Planted autumn onions and garlic
Moved onions into cold frame
Harvested rest of potatoes
Made tomato sauce
Harvested Swift sweet corn
Froze basil
Picked Delsanne pears
Picked Egremont Risset and Queen Cox apples
More maincrop potatoes video
What’s been eating our sweet corn – video

Visited Fountains Abbey and Clumber Park
Planted onion plantlets
Lots of clearing, tidying and cultivating empty beds on the allotment
Picked first cranberries
When twenty means sixty
Another short lived hot spell
Growing winter onions two different ways
September plot tour – video

21 - 30 September

Harvested most of the squash
More tidying and preparing beds for winter/spring
Courgette plants hit by cold nights
Visited Nostell Priory
Picked first batch of Safari dwarf French beans
Onion sets starting to shoot
New shoots on cardoon
Broad beans flowering
Started harvesting Flakee carrots
Orange Squash
Unusually calm
Coldest September night
September finishes on the day side
Harvesting winter squash – video