A Mild Start to November

A Mild Start to November

The first half of the month has turned out to be reasonably mild considering it’s November. Unlike the last couple of months, we’ve had a reasonable number of days with temperatures above average for the time of year.

Temperature Records for November 2020
The chart above shows that for the last week the daytime temperatures have been above the red line indicating the 10 year average high temperatures for November. Of course, milder temperatures don’t tell the whole story. We’ve also had lots of damp, wet weather. It hasn’t involved any great amount of rain but just enough to stop even the top of the ground from drying out. 
Thursday afternoon was one of our better spells of weather and we made the most of it with a walk around Nostel Priory grounds with Ruby.
Some trees are now in full winter mode having lost all their leaves, whilst others still have enough leaves left to show off the last of their autumn colours.
Like us, Ruby likes to relax when she’s not out walking.
We now seem to be back to dull and dreary weather for the next few days. I’ve seen talk of a cold spell towards the end of the month. I hope it brings some bright and sunny weather with it.