Equal Hottest August Day!
Temperature & Rainfall Records 09 July to 08 August 2020

Equal Hottest August Day!

Friday’s afternoon temperature reached 31.2°C equalling our record high temperature for August.

Temperature & Rainfall Records 09 July to 08 August 2020

It equaled our highest August temperature set last year on 26 August 2019.

This week we dug up our early potatoes, Casablanca and International Kidney. As these potatoes were dug up,  I was surprised at how dry the ground had become. 

Potatoes – Casablanca

It seems like we’ve had a reasonable amount of wet weather, but it’s been of the drizzly type rather than decent rain, resulting in the dry ground we’ve now got. It has now been a month since we had any decent rainfall.

It’s come at a time when we’re trying to replant some of the beds at the allotment which have been cleared of early crops. We’ve already planted some dwarf French beans Safari. 

Before this latest spell of hot weather arrived we planted out some leeks received from D T Brown. They were good-sized plants and the were planted in the allotment the same day as they arrived in the post. Usually, we find we need to grow on plants from seed companies in pots at home before they’re large enough to have a chance in the allotment.

It would be nice to think that we would be able to leave these new plantings to do their own thing but unless we get some decent rainfall they’re going to need regular watering to get them settled in. If some of the weather forecasts are correct this spell of hot weather is going to hang around for a week or so. However, they are suggesting there’s a chance of thunderstorms early on next week so there is a chance we might get a good downpour to keep the plot watered.
Otherwise, it’s watering cans at the ready.