Cold Frame Courtyard



February 2014

Our cold frame sits in a neglected area in the top corner of our garden behind our greenhouse.


The title courtyard is very tongue in cheek. A more appropriate title would be cold frame junk yard.


At present it looks like this… … unloveable and unloved! There’s more detail on my blog post here.


We have planned a makeover during which time we hope this piece of out garden will truly live up to its title. Below is the initial plan.













May 2014

The first task was to clear everything. This involved sorting the rubbish from the useful and trips to the tip.


The intention was to pave this area but the cold frames were ready for delivery so as a temporary measure to spread a think layer of bark chippings,

After spreading the chippings we decided that we would quite like to make this a permanent solution as it would drain better and also may be less attractive to the snail population. Read more detail here.


As the old cold frame was in use the new cold frames couldn’t be built in their permanent position. Once they were in place the contents of the old cold frame were transferred and this frame taken to the allotment plot.


There was now space to construct the Woodblocx raised bed.


At this point the area was in use and so any work here had to be placed on hold but there was still plenty to do. Read more detail about constructing the raised bed here and planting it up here.



A new fence was erected and planting areas set up for two climbing roses. The cold frames and raised bed were moved to permanent positions.


The cold frames were restained and the are between them was used for pots of herbs and a fig.

We planted a sambucus nigra in the top corner and placed the pot containing kiwi Issai between the two roses.

I(t isn't exactly as we had planned but things never are in our garden and the end product suits us - for now!


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