May 2022

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

01 - 08 May

More clearing and tilling at the allotment
Planted beetroot seedlings
Prepared garden greenhouse for tomatoes
Tidied large border in the garden
Planted last lot of broad beans
Planted later sown sweet peas
The work goes on

09 - 15 May

Netted strawberry bed
Planted more onion sets and red onion plantlets
Planted last potatoes
Cleared and rotavated remaining beds
Planted tomatoes in both greenhouses
Things are moving on
The warmest day of the year

16 - 22 May

Nostell swans have six cygnets
Lots of roses are flowering
Weeded carrots, peas, onions, lavender and lots of other things on the allotment
Resowed parsnips and a patch in the carrots.
Planted leeks
Planted some lettuce
Picked first sweet peas.
We’re getting there
Warmest day of the year
A very busy week – video

23 - 31 May

Planted more brassicas
Planted outdoor tomatoes
All six cygnets still present
Planted peas from Bill and Val
Picked first strawberries
Planted patio tubs
Just enough rain to wet us
The plot thickens
Planting heritage peas – video

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