Cool For Summer
Apples - Discovery

Cool For Summer

The last week has been cold, windy and wet. It seems like autumn has arrived rather early this year.
Temperature & Rainfall Records 23-29 August 2020
The week’s rainfall amounted to 29.0mm or 1.14in with most of it falling on Tuesday from storm Francis. It’s brought this month’s total up to 65.8mm (2.6in) which is around average for August. It’s put allotment visits on hold this week.


Friday was one of the lowest daytime temperatures I’ve recorded in August with the thermometer only reaching a maximum of 14.0°C (57.2°F) making it the third coldest August daytime temperature since 2010.
August Daytime Temperatures 2010 – 2020
I’ve circled in red the lowest Daytime temperatures of the last 10 years. The forecast for the next few days is for the cool daytime temperatures to continue but at least it should remain dry. I might be able to make a start on lifting some maincrop potatoes over the weekend if the forecast is correct.