April 2011 Descriptive Summary
April 2011 turned out to be a record breaking month. It will go into the record books as the warmest April on Record since 1659. Many days in the month were like summer days as the temperatures climbed into the low twenties with clear blue skies and almost no breeze.
March was very dry and April even drier again breaking into the record books as we had just 2.4mm of rain. That gives us only 9.6mm in total for the last 2 months when we would normally expect 100mm of rainfall. The result is that the plot is very dry and young plants and seedlings need constant watering for them to survive.
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April this year has been excellent for blossom on our fruit trees. Apples, plums, pears and greengages have all had lots of blossom and hopefully this will turn into a bumper harvest come the autumn.
Not only was there lots of blossom on our fruit trees on the plot as our magnolia tree at home put on a short but very spectacular display.
Temperature Data
Maximum temperature [warmest day?] 24.7°C on 23rd April at 12:50
Lowest maximum temperature [coldest day] 12.4°C on 26th April
Minimum temperature [coldest night] 1.7°C on 28th April at 03:30
Maximum average temperature 16.1°C on 6th April
Lowest average temperature 8.5°C on 13th April
Rainfall Data
Rainfall in month 2.4 mm (long term average 57.9mm)
Wettest day in month 3rd April 0.8mm
Wind Speed Data
Maximum wind gust speed 18.0 mph on 1st April (13:35)