Allotment Site Improvements

Why we needed a new fence?

Those of you who garden on the Green Lane site, and have recently had sheds broken into or produce stolen or damaged, will know that our priority is to obtain funding for new security fencing and gates as this used to be a very regular occurrence. This  was an expensive project .The council have made it clear that they had no funds available for this and so it was up to us to raise the necessary funding.



In order to make our project more manageable we  decided to split it into four smaller phases.


Phase one was to replace the main gate and adjoining fencing. The other planned phases would provide fencing and gates along the top boundary section shown below, provide a natural wildlife hedge along the longest boundary and new security fencing to the remaining section along the eastern boundary.


We completed many of our projects but unfortunately site politics put an end to the work on the improvements.


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