May 2024
Sowing, Planting & Preparation

01 - 07 May

03 May 2024

Potting on seedlings from growlight and Porbella leeks germinated on kitchen towel

04 May 2024

Sowing and Potting on in the greenhouse at home.

2 agapanthus plants and a begonia re-potted
Only 2 chilli seeds Cow Horn germinated
These seeds move to indoor growlight to germinate
All 4 seeds of Mini Munch germinated and have been potted-on

06 May 2024 May Day Bank Holiday

Leeks were potted on in the greenhouse and at the allotment more brassicas were planted out and our first sowing of beetroot was planted out.

08 - 14 May

10 – 12 May 2024

Lots of sowings at home and on the plot

Carrots sown on plot 30
Lots of brassicas sown

15 - 21 May

19 May 2024

A busy few days sowing more seeds planting out tomato plants and moving seedlings into more spacious containers.

21 May 2024

I spent the morning transplanting a variety of brassica plants as listed below and in the afternoon at the allotment our courgettes were planted out. Canes were erectedready for our climbing beans.

22 - 31 May

25 May 2024

Potted on some seedlings in the morning and planted our tomatoes in the plot greenhouse in the afternoon.

Peas covered with environmesh to protect from wood pigeons