No sowing or planting this week due to adverse weather conditions.
08 - 14 March
No sowing or planting this week due to adverse weather conditions.
15 - 21 March
21 March 2023
Moved the first batch of seedlings from under grow light and into the greenhouse.
These have grown pretty well under the grow light. They are instead of buying in early plants from the seed companies.
ParsleyCabbageCalabreseBroad beans
22 - 31 March
24 March 2023
Began the first major sowing session of the season. I’m planning on germinating onions and leeks indoors under growlight. Hopefully, this will speed up germination and also avoid any problems with mice who seem to enjoy digging up these seeds.
Onion – Red BaronParsley – Plain Leaved
25 March 2023
All last year’s remaining sweet pea seeds were sown. Seeds were mixed as we had different numbers of each variety. Our sweet pea plants growing in the greenhouse over winter were trimmed back.