June 2024 Video Diary

24 June 2024

We ventured a bit further for a walk this week. It was our first visit to Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire, owned by the National Trust. We took the long walk through the parkland and finished off our visit with tea and scones with jam and clotted cream.

24 June 2024

It’s that time of the year to begin harvesting potatoes. We lifted our first root of early potatoes, Ulster Prince. We were surprised by the size of the potatoes and how dry the ground was that they had grown in. We also harvested our first head of calabrese. Harvests are beginning to flow.

17 June 2024

It has been a case of working around the seeming endless showers at the allotment. However, we are now almost planted up apart from one bed. The cold weather in June means that tender crops such as French beans and courgettes are struggling to grow. Hopefully, we’ll see an improvement in the weather soon.

14 June 2024

For the past couple of weeks we’ve been checking on the coot nest to see if any chicks have hatched. This week after watching for a while we spotted one chick. Then after waiting a little longer, we spotted a couple of chicks and then another couple appeared. The heron made an appearance again fishing in the lake.

10 June 2024

We went to the plot to pick some strawberries and took Ruby along with us. We took the opportunity to have a look around the plot and see how things were going. From the allotment, we headed for Nostell Priory to take Ruby on a longish walk and a game of chase.

08 June 2024

We had two visits to Nostell Priory this week. On our first visit, we were lucky enough to catch the cygnets close to the bank of the lake. On our second visit, we saw the cormorant and heron and both were a long way away fro the camera so sorry about the bit if shaky video. The greenfinch was tucking into sunflower seeds at home.

05 June 2024

Morning tour of our plots with Ruby

After a few busy weeks of planting and sowing seeds in the allotment, we thought it was time for a tour of our plots. We took Ruby along too.