June 2024

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

01 - 09 June

Picked strawberries
Picked sweet peas and sweet Williams
Lifted garlic – disappointing small bulbs
Planted dwarf French beans
Sowed more peas
Sowed more annual flowers
Saw all four cygnets, a cormorant and a heron
Jumpers in June!

Plot tour
Strawberry picking
Bird life

10 - 16 June

Staked the first lot of peas
Resowed gaps in carrot beds and sowed another bed 
Planted more cabbages and cauliflowers
Martyn prepared another bed for brassicas
Harvested more strawberries, some gooseberries and rhubarb.
Cygnets doing well at Nostell and young coots have hatched

Well behind

Nostell waterbirds
On the plot

17 - 23 June

Picked first ca;abrese and cabbages.
Lifted first root of early potatoes
Picked first tayberries
Sowed mangetout peas
Planted final batch of brassicas
Visited Kedleston Hall

Dastardly Wood Pigeons

Harvesting first potatoes
Kedleston visit

24 - 30 June


Uncovered and staked second lot of peas
Sowed more beetroot and spring onions
Lifted first root of second variety of early potatoes
All four cygnets growing