July 2024

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

01 - 07 July

Gales battered cardoons and potatoes
Planted more climbing courgettes
Harvested first cauliflower and coyrgettes
Harvested broad but they are covered in blackfly
Buddleia on flower

Where’s the buzz?
Gale force winds
Harvesting International Kidney
Will peas survive the wood pigeons

08 - 14 July

Dug all the early potatoes
Tidying, weeding and picking berries.
Sweet peas shirt stemmed now
Cygnets are growing quickly
Lime trees giving off perfume

Where is buzz?

A tranquil scene at Nostell

15 - 21 July

All peas now uncovered and supported
Picked first courgettes
Harvested blueberries, tayberries, blackcurrants, jostaberries and blackberries
Thinned bed of carrots and harvested baby carrots
Dug first lot of Elfe potatoes
Visited Lyme Park
Has summer finally arrived?
Ruby enjoys a ball game at Lyme Park

22 - 31 July