August 2024 Video Diary

31 August 2024

26 August 2024

Know your onions and shallots – garlic failure

We’ve had a good year for onions and shallots but strangely our garlic has been a complete failure. our onions were grown both from sets and seeds. our shallots were also grown from sets and seed and we experimented with Zebrune shallots by planting one of last year’s shallots to see what would happen.Td to d

26 August 2024

20 August 2024

Ruby’s day starts about 08:00 in the morning to 23:30 in the evening. It was a busy day with a trip to the allotment in the morning and a walk at Nostell Priory in the afternoon.

19 August 2024

I continued lifting potato out of our very hard nd dry ground. I was sure that these potatoes were Sagitta but they weren’t. If I’d check my plan first I would have known that they were Nicola so my apologies for the confusion in the video. However it was an extremely good crop despite the ground conditions.

16 August 2024

We took Ruby on one of her regular walks at Temple Newsam in the morning as we’ve been experiencing some very warm afternoons. Of course Ruby wanted to play at chasing a ball and pestered us until we gave in.

11 August 2024

We had a day out at Clumber Park. We were surprised to find out that dogs were allowed into the kitchen garden as a few years ago this wasn’t the case and we had stayed well clear of the kitchen garden ever since. It was nice to find that Ruby was allowed in so we took the opportunity to have a look around.

06 August 2024

Orla potato reveal from a weed infested bed. How will they have done?

I got round to lifting the first of our main crop potatoes. The weeds didn’t seem too bad until the potato tops began to die down. Suddenly the weeds took over. The ground is also very dry after almost a month without rain so digging the potatoes was going to be a challenge.