August 2024

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

01 - 11 August

Lifted more potatoes and over-wintered onions.
Picked peas and climbing beans
{icked Trombetta D’Albenga courgettes
Visited Clumber Park and the walled garden

Keeping up with the harvests

Walled garden at Clumber Park
Lifting Orla potatoes


12 - 18 August

Turning point?Dug more potatoes – good yield
Uprooted onion – some rot in the second bed
Uprooted Zebrun shallots
Planted sweet Williams

Turning point?

Lifting potatoes

19 - 25 August

Gales batter plot and parkland
Lofted more potatoes
Gathered one lot of onions and shallots.

Ruby’s day
Gathering onions and shallots
Storm damage

26 - 31 August

Visited Clumber Park
Lifted the last of the potatoes

Lifting Sagitta potatoes