November 2023

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

01 - 05 November

More rain
Visited a waterlogged Nostell
Water, water everywhere
Walk around Nostell – video

06 - 12 November

Ruby was groomed
Visited Nostell and Temple Newsam
Dug up dahlias, cleared and dug empty beds
Harvested some small cabbages
Vide0 of lifting dahlias
Autumn leaves are falling

13 - 19 November

Storm Debi
Lifted firsy parsnips and leeks
Cut a cabbage

20 - 26 November

Harvested leeks, parsnips and cabbage
Had first frost
Both swans were on the lake
Then there were two
More November videos


27 - 30 November

First sprinkling of snow

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. snowbird

    Lovely photos. So wet! It’s the same here. You can see how quickly autumn has turned into

    1. Susan Garrett

      Thanks, Dina

  2. Deb in Wales

    Two words: wet and muddy! The monthly round up makes it more apparent.

    1. Susan Garrett

      Very wet and muddy, Debbie

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