September 2021
This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.
01 - 05 September
Lifted first Flakee carrots
Picked first Fiesta apples
Lifted beetroot
A mini September heatwave
Enforced neglect of the allotment
Meteorological autumn is here – what happened to summer?
A unruly plot – video
06 - 12 September
Harvested, roasted and froze lots of tomatoes
Cleaned and boxed onions for storage
Planted over wintering onions and garlic
Planting garlic and winter onions – video
We’re not crying over our onions
A mini September heatwave
13 - 19 September
Harvested sweet corn
Dig carrots and stored in compost
Very autumnal
Made batch of tomato sauce
Corn and carrots
Sweet candle carrot reveal – video
Autumn broad bean update – video
Amazed we got some sweet corn
20 - 30 September
Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Picked ripe Albion Strawberries
Dug Rudolph potatoes
Harvested squash, Fiesta & Egremont Russet apples, quince and pears.
Lifted mesh over garlic and onions that had shooted
Covered first bed for over winter
Harvested Rudolph potatoes – video
Video of visit to YWP
Harvesting winter squash, apples, pears, quince and strawberries – video