June 2021
This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.
01 - 06 June
Resowed peas
Planted tomatoes in garden and plot greenhouses and raised bed in garden
All cynets at Nostell are surviving
Planted cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli and sprouts
Netted strawberries
Planted leeks
Will we catch up?
Creeping up
Leapfrogging spring
Planting leeks the Beechgrove way – video
An evening plot tour – video
07 - 13 June
Visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Planted runner and climbing French beans
Planted annual flowers
Planted sweet corn which was flattened by the wind
Rotovated remaining beds
Planted spare tomato plants outdoors
Planted squash and courgettes
Visited Nostell – all cygnets present and growing fast
Picked first strawberries and cut first sweet Williams
A Walk on the Wild Side
A busy week – part two on the allotments
Nearly planted up
14 - 20 June
Roses are flowering better than ever.
Planted more brassicas, red cabbage, broccoli, calabrese and savoys
Visited Nostell
Planted perennials in new border
Picked first cucumber
Old strawberries fruiting well
Planted more annual flowers on the allotment
Things are filling up
Nearly planted up
Hottest day of the year – not here
Planted up – almost – video
21 - 30 June
Planted swede and beetroot
Sowed more peas and mooli
Harvested garlic and some autumn planted onions
Thinned out parsnips
Picked first calabrese
Picked broad beans
Picked strawberries
Ruby’s first visit to the beacj ay Fraisthorpe
Tidied up new strawberry plants- removed flowers, fruits and runners.
Emptied potatoes planted in crates.
A week of firsts
We still need some rain
Did our garlic produce for once – video
Overhead view of the plot – video
We have beans – video