August 2021

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

01 - 08 August

Picked and stewed apples from the garden
Picked last of the second batch of broad beans
Picked first peas
Lifted first Apache potatoes
Lifted Romance carrots
Picked first climbing French beans
A week of beginnings and endings
A cool start to August
Lifting Apache potatoes – video

08 - 15 August

Cut and froze coriander
Lifted Osprey potatoes
Cleared cropped broad beans
Rotovated empty beds
Continued picking peas
Continued picking apples fro. garden tree
Picked runner and climbing French beans
Planted Safari dwarf French beans
Cut head of Monclano calabrese
Dug Romance carrots
Visited Nostell
Planted sweet Williams
Blight on tomatoes
Harvest time continues
A broad bean experiment
Lifting Osprey potatoes – video

16 - 22 August

Picked apples from garden tree
Dug Nadine and Elfe potatoes
Picked Discovery apple – only 6
Picked green tomatoes from blighted plants
Cleared first lot of Onward peas
Lifted onions to dry
Wet walk at Nostell
An experiment with autumn broad beans – video
It’s all about harvest
Dead heading and our best mixed harvest of the year

23 - 31 August

Onions lifted and set out to dry
Visit to Nostel
Lots of harvesting
A surprisingly good harvest of Nadine and Elfe
A modest harvest last week
McCain Royal potato reveal