Short and sweet
Our spell of lovely summery weather was short-lived and we are back to dodging the rain. Despite the weather, we have managed to get on
Our spell of lovely summery weather was short-lived and we are back to dodging the rain. Despite the weather, we have managed to get on
Last week the sunshine stuck around and we enjoyed summery weather. We seem to have skipped spring and jumped forward into summer. Will it last?
Last week the weather took a rather dramatic turn for the better. The sun shone and the temperatures felt summery. There’s nothing more fickle than
The weather is gradually improving with some spells of sunshine lifting the mood. The rain hasn’t totally left the stage and continues to have a
Our weather continues to be unsettled so we are having to fit in visits to the allotment and walking with Ruby around whatever the weather
Our weather continues to be unsettled. I guess that we should see that as a bonus as now it just rains some of the time.
The weather has continued to tease. Some days have been positively spring-like but dark water-laden clouds suddenly appear in the sky threatening and often delivering
We did have some glimpses of spring last week. Unfortunately, the rain hasn’t completely given up the assault. Just when we feel as if there
Saturday was a lovely day. The sun shone, it was warm enough to be at the allotment without multiple layers of clothes and it didn’t
Our weather continues to set us a challenge. We have had glimpses of brightness but these are usually accompanied by strong, bitterly cold winds. It’s