Gardening Tasks

A gardening calendar is published on my other website The School Vegetable Patch. Although it is aimed at schools it isn't very different for adult gardeners.  The calendar lists task for each months of the year.


Below are just some of the essential gardening jobs that keep is busy.



Planning and recording

If you fancy planning and recording what your plot produces electronically then you may be interested in how we do it.









Sowing seeds indoors

Many of our seeds are started in trays or modules in our greenhouse










Pricking our seedlings

We germinate most of our seeds in seeds trays and transplant out into the plot as young plants. Most young seedlings need pricking out once they have germinated.









Direct sowing versus transplanting

Some seeds perform better when sown directly in the ground and others respond well to being transplanted as small plants.









Raising seeds in an Indoor Grow Light Garden


It can be difficult to keep early sown seedlings healthy. Unless you have a heated greenhouse the temperatures may not be high enough for seed germination. Inside the house light levels are often not good enough even on a windowsill and the length of daylight may be too short. Seedlings will often become weak and leggy. Read how we got along with ours.







Protecting brassicas

If you don’t protect your brassicas chances are if the butterflies don’t find them, then the pigeons definitely will.








Know your weeds

There is weeding to do all year round but do you actually know what you are pulling up?






Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments Blog  | A Gardener's Weather Diary | School Vegetable Patch Website


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