Sowing seeds indoors

When you are learning to sow seeds you should choose something that germinates easily and also has seeds large enough for you to be able to see and handle them easily. Always read the information on the seed packet as this will tell you when to plant the seeds and if the seeds have any special needs.


Apologies if some bits are stating the obvious.  I'm not being condescending but I wanted the instructions to be suitable for children sowing seeds for the first time



1. Firstly you will need to gather together all the things that you will need. (a clean plant pot or seed tray, compost, seeds, a label, a marker pen that uses waterproof ink, something to smooth the compost, watering can).




3. Use a piece of wood or something similar to lightly press down the compost to make sure that it is firm and level.






2. Almost fill the tray with compost.



4. Take your seeds and carefully cut open the packet.


5. Space the seeds out on the surface of the compost. If the seeds are too small for this then sprinkle them as thinly as you can.


6. Unless on the packet  it says that you shouldn't cover the seeds then cover them with just enough compost to make the seeds disappear.

Use a piece of wood to scrape off the compost level with the top of the seed tray and then firm the compost gently. The top of the compost should be just below the top of the tray or plant pot so that when you water the seeds the water doesn't just run off the surface and wash away the compost.



8. Write a plastic label - you may think that you will remember what you have planted in each tray but after a while you WILL forget - use a pen that has ink that will not wash off when you water the seeds.


7. If the seeds are very small or the instructions say that they need light in order to germinate. either leave them uncovered or better still cover then with perlite or vermiculite.











9.. Push the label into one end of the seed tray or along the edge of the plant pot.





10. Use a watering can with a small rose (sprinkler) to water the tray gently. If you water too quickly or use too large a sprinkler you will wash away the compost and maybe the seeds too.



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