Archie's Plot - Cyprus Road, Featherstone



1. Archie's dad,  Karl,  had always wanted an allotment so in March he set about trying to get one. He applied to the council and was contacted by 3 allotment secretaries in Normanton. Eventually he saw plot 4 on the Cypress Road allotments and instantly  knew this was the one that he wanted. His son, Archie was just 3 years old and dad wanted to get him involved with outdoor activities.

Unfortunately Archie's mum  was not interested in gardening in the slightest but was more than happy if it meant that Archie and dad wouldn't be messing up the housethe weekends.


Archie's dad Paid his money on March 29th and started work on it on March 30th.


2. The plot had been cleared.


3. (Click arrows for photo 3) Karl decided that he wanted to build raised beds. He had read about this system of gardening in a book. He also liked the idea of laying paths between the beds and hoped that this would lead to a lower maintenance plot.


4. Click arrows for photo 4) Towards the end of April a small part of the plot was starting to take shape. The Cypress Road site is fairly small with only a handful of allotments. Everyone was encouraging with their comments and advice. Archie and dad were made to feel very welcome, any worries Karl  had about our having zero gardening experience was soon forgotten.



(Click arrows for photo 5) By the 3rd of May they had planted potatoes. They cheated a little and bought some plants from a nursery - they got sprouts, pumpkins and broccoli - which is Archie's favourite.


(Click arrows for photo 6) The sprouts and broccoli they planted earlier were soon looking very sad after repeated attacks from the local pigeons. So they decided to cover everything they planted with netting.


On one of the derelict plots they found a small watering can for Archie.


(Click arrows for photo 7-11) June saw the plot really starting to look like a proper allotment with everything flourishing. Unfortunately this included the weeds.


Still Karl had lots of fun with Archie as they continued to dig over new ground ready for raised beds - Archie had fun riding in the wheelbarrow.


(Click arrows for photo 12 & 13) By the beginning of July their first crops were ready. So Archie's mum made a Sunday lunch and Archie and daddy brought home the first produce from the allotment. Archie was very excited.


(Click arrows for photo 14 - 16) Karl says that although it's involved lots of hard work, a broken finger, blisters and aching back, it's been worth it. The satisfaction of growing their own vegetables and flowers is worth all the effort.


They had a family holiday in July and when they returned the site secretary handed Archie and dad a letter saying the allotment inspector had given them a commendation.


Karl is so glad that they took the plunge and got an allotment. Archie loves going there at the weekends and has even made a friends with some other allotment children.


Photos 17 and 18 show birdseye views of the Cyprus Road allotments' site in Normanton.


Archie will have done a lot of growing up by now - I wonder whether he and his dad still garden their allotment together?

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