Prize Winning Gardener

Our esteemed ex-site secretary, Jan, has tended his plot on Green Lane Allotment Site as man and boy for over 30 years.


He started off working on a plot with his dad, (also Jan), in 1972. (He must have been 2 years old at that time)! In 1976 the pair moved plots taking on two of their present plots and in 1986 added a third to their 'garden'.  In partnership dad and lad won the area competition for Horbury, Ossett and Stanley for ten years running.


They were Wakefield Met. Gardener of the Year Champions for three of these years 1986, 1991 and 1996 until they finally decided to retire from the competition to give everybody else a chance.


During the time that they were competing no weed dared to take up residence on their plots as can be witnessed by studying the photos in the slide show.


All this and they also managed to race their pigeons and win prizes for that too!


Sadly now Jan senior is no longer with us, but I'm sure that he would approve of how his son is upholding the allotment tradition.


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