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A wheelbarrow is an essential piece of equipment if you have an allotment as there will always be things that need moving around even if it’s only spent crops and weeds needing transporting to the compost heap. If you only have a garden then much will depend on how big your garden is and how it is used. If your garden is built on terraces then a wheelbarrow is unlikely to feature on your list of useful equipment.








If your wheelbarrow is left on the plot you will just want a cheap and cheerful version but even then when choosing there are some variables to be considered. For instance the wheelbarrow has to be the right size for manoeuvring along paths and in between gaps.


You may also want a wheelbarrow that when piled high won’t lose it’s load as soon as it is tipped up to be pushed. If possible test drive a range of designs to find a design that suits you. ]







You can choose between a metal or plastic ‘tray’. Bear in mind that metal will rust when left out in the elements.


The wheel or wheels can be solid or the type that need to be pumped up like a bicycle wheel.


At one time ball shaped wheels were in fashion but these now seem to have fallen by the wayside. You can also buy barrows with two wheels or even barrows that fold up but again these are not usually the preferred option.






Photos on this page were taken from Harrod Horticultural and Greenfingers

I’ve gathered together some links from companies offering gardening products for sale. I have no connection to the suppliers and therefore cannot be held responsible for any changes in items available or any issues that may arise when making a purchase.

Some companies give me a small commission on sales that are generated from this website which helps me to maintain this and sister websites but this in no way means that I am recommending purchases from a particular company.


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