August 2016






Archive for previous years' diaries dating from 2007 can be accessed by clicking here

This diary is a summary of our garden activities. The links are to blog posts that often give more detail.

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August 2015 diary entry

August seed sowing schedule

Details of what was sown/planted in August

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For August 2016 weather summary

August harvesting schedule

Details of our August harvest



Started potting up strawberry runners to replace failed plants

Grapes on the shed vine on the plot are swelling

Late blackcurrants are harvested

It's all go

Slug weather again




One of the cardoons has blown down but bees are still enjoying flowers

Yellow courgettes are producing a glut

Found the red gooseberry was fruiting hidden under the kiwi

Pruned Oullins Gage plum tree

Blasted slugs get everywhere

Oullins gets the chop



Mini Munch cucumber producing lots of fruit

Yellow rose Chris has a lovely perfume

Agapanthus looks lovely

Roses and agapanthus






Had the day out at RSPB Old Moor

RSPB Dearne Valley Old Moor



Harvested more Casablanca potatoes

Harvested last of the strawberries and raspberries

Here comes the sun(stripe).

Best day of the month





A self sown ash tree was casting heavy shade over the cold frame area and so had to be felled.

I tidied the front garden that is now in need of an overhaul.



Cut out old Glencoe raspberry canes and tied new ones in.

Harvested more potatoes

Cut down spent broad beans which are sending out new shoots

A second coming?








Harvested our one and only peach. It was delicious.

A peach of the week





The orchids are flowering again


I'm almost a robin






The Climbing French and runner beans are in full swing

The 'Discovery' apple is casting fruit so we picked a few. They are not quite ripe but eatable.






Dug more potatoes.

Picked some of the few Oullins gage plums

Picked our first ripe tomatoes

A couple of surprises.



Visited the bird of prey display at Middleton Park

Natural pigeon control





Had the afternoon at Potteric Carr. Not many birds to photograph but plenty of dragonflies and damselflies.

Dragons and damsels.

Contrasting summer days



A day in the garden - the tubs are bursting with flowers.






Dug the rest of the trial potatoes

Lifted onions and shallots and left to dry

Still harvesting autumn planted onions.


Onions drying - cue rain.

This year's potato crop to date




Wood chip berries





We had the day off gardening to visit LWT Gibraltar Point

A day out to Gibraltar





We ordered some winter brassicas from DT Brown which arrived and were potted up to grow on. They have been housed in the cold frame so we hope that they don't become meals for slugs and snails.

Cold Frame looks like it's spring





The Sungolds continue to ripen and the Woodblocx raised bed is providing a salad crop.

Mini Munch cucumber us very prolific.






We had the afternoon at Beningbrough Hall

Busman's holiday

Beningbrough photo album







Tidied first strawberry bed - removed runners and tidied dead leaves

Picked first Sunchocola F1 tomatoes

August's hottest






Foxy Lady





Rained off on plot

Streptocarpus have grown and flowered well this year.




Day out at Scampston walled garden and parklands trail

Scampston walled garden and parklands trail

I did want a drop of rain





Basil has germinated.

Some small aubergines and peppers are developing

Brassicas in coldframe are perking up

A bit of a wet day





Onions are now under cover

Tomatoes are ripening

Picked first carrots.

What is bright yellow and shaped like a plum?




Cut old canes from summer raspberries and Japanese wineberry

Lifted more potatoes

Lifted first beetroot

Good and bad on the plot






Dead headed flowers and cut back alpine plants.



















Our allotment plot is a have for amphibians.

Plot amphibians








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